This story appears in FCA Magazine's July/August 2018 issue.
Southwest-- Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana
Field VP: Drew Beard,
Ministry Moment: Last winter, Northwest Louisiana FCA hosted Tim Tebow at Independence Stadium where he shared the gospel with more than 8,000 coaches, student-athletes and their communities. His message resonated and spoke to the hearts of many who attended. More than 800 people made the decision to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior, and 215 of those were first-time decisions!
Prayer Requests:
1. For a healthy ministry team that serves out of the overflow of their relationship with Jesus.
2. That God will call someone to serve as the New Orleans Multi-Area Director.
3. Continued focus for our team to serve and minister to the heart of coaches and athletes!

West Africa
Regional International Coordinator: Mike DiMaria
Ministry Moment: In June 2018, our first Africa Capacity Conference was hosted in Accra, Ghana. Twenty-three African leaders from 14 countries, along with seven U.S. staff, joined together for sports ministry training and to share local best practices. These leaders will now expand their ministry efforts to serve more coaches and athletes across their nations.
Prayer Requests:
1. For greater ministry impact as we reach out to coaches and athletes across Africa.
2. That God would bring the right people on board as International Sports Partners.
3. For God to open doors as we bring the good news of Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes into new countries.

Southeast Coastal -- Georgia, Florida
Field VP: Dicky Clark,
Ministry Moment: We recently hosted a successful conference in Atlanta for FCA staff working in college ministry, and we held an FCA breakfast at the Georgia Athletic Directors Conference in Savannah for 75 athletic directors. And, this winter, summertime FCA campers will reconvene at our annual “recharge” camps held during Christmas break in Georgia and Florida.
Prayer Requests:
1. For the thousands of campers this summer who will learn how to finish STRONG.
2. That our FCA Huddles will be more impactful than ever this school year.
3. For the person God has already chosen to be selected as the new VP of Field Ministry for Florida.

Regional International Coordinator: Tom Joyner
Ministry Moment: Earlier this year, we had the pleasure of hosting three couples from the Brazil Global Region at our International Capacity Conference and FCA Real Time staff gathering. Also, this summer we have four trips planned to São Paulo and Curitiba to lead trainings in 3Dimensional Coaches/Global Sport Chaplaincy clinics, various sports camps and power camps.
Prayer Requests:
1. For God’s favor as we lead sports camps and coaches clinics with Brazilian sports coalitions.
2. For God to open the hearts of Brazilian coaches and athletes to grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. For God to send many coaches and athletes to “Go.”